Ottawa, le 2007-07-19

All our hopes aim at the idea that against all odds, peace returns in Irak, and in the Middle East.  Il would be unacceptable that innocent civilians,  marines and other nations people be sacrificed for questionable policies.  




At the summit of its political, military and diplomatic power, the US superpower reveals itself in all
that it has of fragile.  The question is not whether it'll win the war, but Can the US bears the price of Peace.

Since the launching of the offensive against what the Bush administration names the axis of the evil, America tightened its muscles and exposed to the world its side proud and defying. As lately as yesterday, a diplomatic success without preceding enabled him to insulate France and Germany in their call to the conciliation. That went from oneself without counting on the triple-reverse which it boxed. Stock exchange reverse with the quasi-permanent moroseness of Wall Street, technological reverse with the accident of Columbia. Finally economic reverse with the budget deficit without preceding that presents to us after a fashion the American President seeking has to start again a wavering economy.




Is the spending power at cthe core of the solution of the so called fiscal umbalance? 

e know all that the spending power makes it possible the federal Parliament to pour with the provinces, organizations or individuals certain sums at ends for which it does not have necessarily the capacity to legislate.



Parallels presentation of the derivatives. The paradox of polarization and the integrability bursts at the great day. Is it necessary to react and how? What's next ?

The stake is to determine a criterion of raisonnability as regards tax justice from the point of view of a theory of balance between the socio-economic rights in the field of the values and the economic liberalism on the teleological level.



Of the representative policy to the direct democracy The king is sharp death the king.

Was the policy regenerated without the knowledge of the elected officials?

It is thought that people ignore the policy, but it is rather true of saying that the public thing is differently discussed and that the population including the intellectuals and people of businesses are expressed more and more on forums Internet. During this time, one does not attend the sad spectacle of a government with course of idea and credibility using all the formal capacities with the arrogance of a conqueror. Whereas the policy is precisely art to convince without the constraint, force is to note that our leaders make administration but not of policy. Really, the traditional policy indeed received a burial of first class on behalf of our elected officials.





The American imperialism seldom achieved the unanimity against him as much. Since the shortly after September 11, 2001 when the falcons of the Bush administration shouted revenge, the climbing of the declarations flamers had of cease only to justify folds strategic making it possible the forces to spread itself. However several questions still remain unanswered whereas doubts rise timidly and that humanity attends impotent the setting works of the military positions.  



Actualités Communications Transactions




Droit et société

LotoQuébec parasite moral et financier des joueurs pathologiques
. Nous entendons parfois des choses très choquantes qui minent l'image que la société Loto-Québec veut se donner quant à sa responsabilité face au jeu pathologique. 


Les lacunes du Rapport de la Commission sur le déséquilibre fiscal: Détournement du concept de pouvoir de dépenser au profit d'objectif de politique partisane

Politique internationale

La croisade des États-Unis en Afghanistan sert-elle d'autres intérêts que la lutte au terrorisme: Les appels à la mobilisation derrière une politique tout azimuts commencent à être dénoncés comme une proclamation du monopole de gardien de l'ordre mondial 

Informatique personnelle 
Si la mémorisation de centaines de mots de passe et  d'usager n'est pas votre rayon, il existe un logiciel permettant de faire plus et mieux  pour vous 


Ideas Through words

The genius is of living its childhood at will

Discover the author 

Nuit Blanches

Tracé dans ses Romans



Canadian opening 

The Observatory of neutrinos of Sudbury (ONS) is a single telescope with neutrinos in the world. 

During many years, the theories of generation of solar energy seemed to indicate that the number of solar neutrinos measured by the other underground detectors was less low than it was to be it. The scientists thus had advanced the idea that their knowledge of the Sun was insufficient or that neutrinos, on the basis of the center of the Sun, changed a form to another at the time of their course towards the Earth.



Nos plus sincères condoléances aux familles des victimes de la tragédie de la mission STS-107 de la navette Spatiale Columbia ce 1er février 2003. 
Détail lien NASA.



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